House Renovation: 3 Tips On How To Save Thousands On Your Next Home Reno


One of the biggest value increases in most house renovation projects is Painting…


Most already know, that one of the easiest ways to add value to their rental property or house ‘flip’ is interior painting


And if you do it yourself while following the tips below, you could save thousands of dollars.


What most DON’T know, however, is that the real value comes not just in the completion of the new paint job, but in the preparation.


The right preparation can make a world of difference in the perceived value of the final job.


That’s why I have broken down for you, piece by piece, some of the key points that will help you squeeze the most value out of your next repaint, without investing too much extra time (or capital) into the project.


Whether it’s your personal home, a rental in your portfolio, or a family member’s property you are helping…


If you are ready to learn, let’s get started!


Here are the 3 Top Tips to help you get the most value out of your next interior re-paint.


1. Watch Those Windows When Renovating Your Home…

When it comes to attention to detail, there is one that should not be overlooked…




Yes, that’s right – pay close attention to the work to be done around your windows and frames.


If things like retouching and bogging are needed – you’ll want to get this taken care of wherever possible!


Yes, I know it can be ‘fiddly’ work sometimes, however taking your time and fixing them up (or hiring someone to do it for you) will NOT go unnoticed.


Remember, different surfaces require different paints… Windows suit a harder, more durable paint than you would use on ceilings.


If you would like an example, here are some examples of suitable paints for windows.


2. Walls, Walls Everywhere…

We know through experience that not all interior walls, are equal…


Some have gaping holes that need repairing,


Others have peeling wallpaper that must first be stripped away,


Yet some are in great condition, where a simple fresh coat would be all that is required to make them shine.


Stripping old wallpaper can be easier with tools such as these


However, when it comes to painting walls, preparation is paramount to a great end result, while working on a budget.


3. To Shine Or Absorb… A Dream Rental Property In The Making.

Paints have an LRV scale (up to 100, where the higher the number, the more light it reflects).


Choosing the right type of paint finish can save you hours of time in the future.


For example,


This Dulux paint called Southern Alps has an LRV of 94, which means it is very, very shiny!


It will appeal to most due to its white, shiny finish and may help light up dark areas which lack extra light (for example, hallways).


However, it will also be the first to showcase any imperfections missed in the preparation stage.


In contrast – Matte paints reflect light less, which can offer a more premium look than it’s higher LRV counterparts.


But there is a catch…


While it can also hide some imperfections missed in the preparation stage, it may require more frequent “top-up” coats to remain to look as fresh as other styles of paint.


The choice really comes down to the following…


Do the work now (more preparation) or later (more top-up coats).


4. Bonus Tip: The Best Of Both Worlds – Save Time And Get A Great Finish!

Spray painting your interior walls has become popular due to it’s speed,


However, one downside to it is when it comes time to perform a touch-up…


Put simply, there is a visible difference in finish between a spray-painted wall and one painted with a roller.


This means that when a repair or touch-up needs to happen on a spray-painted wall, using a roller or paintbrush will leave an obvious mark due to the difference in finish.


But there is a way around this… a best-of-both-worlds approach.


Here it is…


Find a painting partner and do both!


One person sprays for speed, the other rolls over with the roller for the finish.


This way, any touch-up jobs in the future will be easily hidden with a roller and you can speed through your re-paint using the speed advantages that come with spraying.


Summary: It’s All About What You Know…

While most interior paint jobs can cost you between $10,000 – $20,000 to hire a professional,


You can DIY it and spend as little as $1000 for a similar result.


The trick is all in knowing what to focus on for the highest returned value.


I hope these 3 tips help you save a bunch of money by focusing on what is important when painting interior walls in your next project.


Happy renovating!


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